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Welcome to Practicum!

Being a research administrator is a tricky job, especially if you come from a non-traditional background such as STEM research. I didn’t realize this fact until I entered the world of academic development and administration right after my 3-year postdoc, where I studied genetic underpinnings of autism spectrum disorder using animal models. The words “customer”, “KPI”, “annual evaluation”, “program management” were never a part of my vocabulary, and I had to quickly incorporate them into my everyday language. Over the next 4 years, I learned to adjust my thinking, being, and doing to achieve the objectives set by my direct supervisor and the organization. Initially, I felt like I was climbing Mount Everest with nothing but a backpack full of candies instead of serious mounting climbing gear. The strategies I used to get research projects done fell apart under the pressure of a heavy e-mails load, piles of paperwork, and tons of unfocused meetings.

As months passed, I noticed I was getting more efficient and known as a person “who gets stuff done”. Yay, hours of reading through productivity, leadership and management literature finally paid off. At this point, I started to teach workshops aimed to enhance performance and refine self-management and interpersonal skills. I was delighted to see how sharing my knowledge shifted people’s work styles resulting in a more fulfilling and balanced life. Inspired by this experience, Tadashi and I decided to create a blog section to provide tips, hacks, and tricks to help you navigate through complex higher ed/research support environments.

Welcome to Practicum!
