No such thing as failure

In various situations, we have been made to think about success and failure. It could be anything, like winning or losing a soccer game. Winning is considered success, and losing is considered failure. Even if the game ends in a draw, depending on its importance, it can still be classified as either a win or a loss. In general, success brings relief and happiness, while failure brings disappointment and unhappiness. This is what we’ve considered “normal” thinking.

However, when we look at the results of our actions from the perspective of whether they bring happiness or unhappiness, it’s not necessarily the case that success leads to happiness. There are stories of people who won the lottery and gained a lot of money, but their lives didn’t necessarily have a happy ending. Which is more important, achieving success or becoming happy?

When we think about our everyday work, it’s more appropriate to classify the results as either meeting or not meeting our expectations, rather than dividing them into success or failure. Therefore, there is no need to feel disappointed with the outcome of our work. Did we achieve what we wanted to, or not? That’s what matters.