Enduring Loneliness

One must fulfill their tasks properly. This may seem obvious, but sometimes this common sense is shaken. For example, when there are people around who do not work properly, do not do what they have been asked to do, or easily break deadlines.

There have been various things happening in the past month. Recently, I watched the third season of “Jack Ryan” on a video streaming service. I found a deep message that Luka Goncharov sent to Ryan, which I would like to quote.

“Jack, we have done our jobs, and done them well. This fight was passed down to us…… and will continue on with or without us. But we will always be better than the institutions we serve. And that is what matters when it matters most. There are no heroes in our profession. But, occasionally, there are good men. Men who act on what is right. Not simply doing what they’re told……”