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Having someone to lean on

Of course, it is not right in some cases because of compatibility. Still, it is good to have a colleague nearby to air one’s grievances about one’s work or discuss problems. The higher one’s position in the organization, the fewer colleagues one has in the same position. As a result, managers find it challenging to […]

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Every pain becomes comedy.

Things don’t work according to the scenario we envisioned. Even more, unexpected barriers, obstacles, betrayals (?), etc., will make you disappointed and depressed. While learning “edit” and “design,” I have experienced that the same facts can be expressed differently. So, when something very depressing happens, I’m experimenting with switching my editing mode and making everything

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Masterpiece 2

Although  “Bohemian Rhapsody” in the Queen’s album “A Night at the Opera” was Freddie’s confident work, the record company was trying to reject it. The movie “Bohemian Rhapsody” depicts this story well. As you know, this song was a big hit. Whether it’s art or research, I think there are many such stories. Many will

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Masterpiece 1

I think it’s the same in any field. You can’t make a masterpiece at your own will. All the creators will find all their works good. Otherwise, the creators will hesitate to roll them out as their own work. Then, probably the masterpiece will be something that others will create later on behalf of the original

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Move first

  No matter how many options we discuss, it is impossible to get what we desire for 100% sure. Something unexpected, bad things—they just happen. You? I? No! Nobody is to blame.  Then, why don’t you move first to change the situation? As you could imagine, they may say “No,” but this is what you

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Rough morning

“What we do has consequences, intended and, uh… unintended. The decisions we make, the actions we bring, have weight. I’ll have to carry this one.  So… would I have given a break to some drug dealer? No! So, why would I give one to a businessman?  None of this should change your mission.  Come to

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Be just strong

How we behave and judge needs some norms. Right? It would be nice to be flexible in various situations, but yet we cannot ignore norms. Even wide lines have thin major axes. The continuation of this story is in the next post.   Recommendation: Billions (1st episode of the 1st season)

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A white shirt every day

Some business books advise you to reduce wasted time and increase your time for activity. One example is to wear shirts of identical design and color every day. If you’re so worried about what shirt to wear in the morning, it’s a good idea to buy the same shirts for five days. I don’t bother,

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Kickflip Indy

One of the biggest event this year was the Olympic Game. I didn’t have much expectations or support for the Olympic game. Still, once it starts, it’s tempting to support the participating athletes. This time several new sports have been introduced. Skateboarding is one of them. Young Japanese women took gold and silver medals in

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