
Every pain becomes comedy.

Things don’t work according to the scenario we envisioned. Even more, unexpected barriers, obstacles, betrayals (?), etc., will make you disappointed and depressed. While learning “edit” and “design,” I have experienced that the same facts can be expressed differently. So, when something very depressing happens, I’m experimenting with switching my editing mode and making everything

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Masterpiece 2

Although  “Bohemian Rhapsody” in the Queen’s album “A Night at the Opera” was Freddie’s confident work, the record company was trying to reject it. The movie “Bohemian Rhapsody” depicts this story well. As you know, this song was a big hit. Whether it’s art or research, I think there are many such stories. Many will

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Masterpiece 1

I think it’s the same in any field. You can’t make a masterpiece at your own will. All the creators will find all their works good. Otherwise, the creators will hesitate to roll them out as their own work. Then, probably the masterpiece will be something that others will create later on behalf of the original

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Design Thinking Discovery: Understanding the challenge

At last, we made it to the first phase of the design thinking (DT) process named Discovery. This phase aims to understand your problem or challenge ( I will use these two words interchangeably), identify knowledge gaps, and find inspiration in new ideas and perspectives. Here, you will engage in divergent thinking to obtain loads

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Move first

  No matter how many options we discuss, it is impossible to get what we desire for 100% sure. Something unexpected, bad things—they just happen. You? I? No! Nobody is to blame.  Then, why don’t you move first to change the situation? As you could imagine, they may say “No,” but this is what you

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