January 2023

Image of Myself (3)

I replied to her with the following explanation. “I want to be a person who can decide for himself. But my way of thinking may be inappropriate. So, even if I am confident, I would like to listen to other people’s opinions as much as possible if I can touch them. I decide what to […]

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Image of Myself (2)

Image of Myself (2) She is a good listener. And she intended to listen to me carefully. Before the discussion, I summarized my concerns in a simple diagram and handed them over. This action will also help clear your head. We talked for an hour and a half, much longer than initially planned. I didn’t

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Image of Myself (1)

You may have already realized that I am blessed with friends. I’ve recently discovered that I’m surprisingly introverted (according to the MBTI diagnostic test lol), so I’m lucky that many of the few people I talk to are good friends. I treat an acquaintance who is a career counselor as a friend. And I asked

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